Grand Challenges



Development of superconducting magnets for Fusion

  1. The 10 – 100 – 1000 challenge Within 10 years to achieve 100 MW for 1000 seconds

Power, Energy, and Industry

Superconducting Power and Energy Technologies

  1. Regional hubs for superconducting industry support
  2. Risk-reducing long-duration tests for power cables
  3. Baseline designs for a 25 MW superconducting wind generator
  4. Standards for superconducting power technologies
  5. Demonstrating integration in a superconducting substation


Superconducting applications for efficient transport

  1. Fully-superconducting motor
  2. Fully-superconducting generator
  3. DC HTS cable
  4. System level integration
  5. AC HTS cable
  6. Cryogenic power electronics
  7. Liquid hydrogen storage and distribution


Superconducting applications in Healthcare for advanced imaging

  1. MRI in remote locations
  2. NMR for accelerated drug discovery and personalized medicine
  3. Ultra-High Field MRI
  4. HTS MRI

Electronics and Quantum

Superconductors for Electronics and Quantum Information Processing

  1. High-performance computing (HPC)
  2. Neuromorphic computing
  3. Quantum computing support system complexity

Discovery Science

Superconducting applications for Scientific Instruments

High-Magnetic Field Research

  1. 40 T SC Magnet
  2. 60 T Hybrid Magnet
  3. High field cryogen free magnets

High-Energy Particle Physics

  1. 20 T Dipole Magnets
  2. SC RF cavities
  3. 20 T Large bore solenoid for muons
  4. 40 T SC for muons

Nuclear Physics

  1. 10 T Axion Detector
  2. 30 T Axion Detector

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