The Superconductivity Global Alliance (ScGA)

Advocating for a future that is greener, healthier, more prosperous, and sustainable.

Our Vision

Envisioning a Superconductive Future

Superconductivity has already enabled major advances and capabilities such as MRI, NMR, high magnetic field research and high energy physics accelerators which otherwise would not be possible. In the future, superconductivity will provide a means towards zero emission targets, for example by enabling fusion power, expanding usage of wind power, and facilitating zero-emission transportation, as well as enabling new technologies such as superconducting classical and quantum computing, water purification, new medical diagnosis and therapy tools, and new scientific breakthrough.

From the frontiers of superconductivity to mainstream technological applications.

Wind turbine. Aerial view of wind turbines or windmills farm field in blue sea in Finland.
Electrical Resistance
High Magnetic Fields
> 0 T
Large Energy Savings
> 0 %

0–123 K

Cryogenic Temperatures


Our targets through 2025

Superconductivity Summit (2025)

Establish a global superconductivity summit, to bring experts, industry, and clients together.

Global Strategy for Superconductivity

Establish a global strategy for superconducting technologies, in order to facilitate R&D efforts and incentivize private and public investment.

National & Private Funding

Motivate expanded national and private funding into superconductivity companies and R&D projects.

National Strategy for Superconductivity

Establish national strategies for superconducting technologies in select countries.

Develop Partnerships & Consortia

Develop partnerships between stakeholders in the industry to facilitate R&D and industrial growth.

Power lines. Energy industry. Industrial electricity distribution. Renewable production

ScGA Primary Targets

Commercial opportunities - 4 SMART Markets for the Future

linked to Grand challenges defining National and Global Strategy

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